So this summer I have to take two master's classes to finish my certification for teaching early childhood. The first one I was not going to be taking because I was going to be home with James. Well, we all know that has changed, so I signed up to take the class because I need to get it done by a certain date and I just wanted to get it done and over with. This has been an extremely hard thing to do. I would sit in class and think about James the entire time and have a hard time staying focused or even motivated to do any of the work, but I pushed on and as of right now I have finished all of the work for class and tomorrow is the last class. A grad class all crammed into five short weeks! I can't even express how glad I am to be done with this class. The next one starts on Monday but it shouldn't be nearly as intense.
Also today was exactly three months since James was born and passed away. Today sucked big time!!!!!! But hears to hoping tomorrow is better. Waking up to hear William calling for mommy over the monitor is worth getting up for in the morning. Work is alright but a little stressful at the moment as we wait for the state assessors to drop in sometime this month to assess the classrooms. Life is normal for everyone and I guess for me as well (as normal as things will ever get for awhile). Mel, William, family and friends are what makes everything okay. Thanks to all of you for your support. I don't know where I would be without all of you!